"Let His will be done..."
shivers down the spine
seeping deep
within my bones...
curses to God
frustrations of life
reflected in my moans !
cascade of tears
each teardrop
a perfect pearl...
the night near to dawn
lost in thoughts
thinking of my angel !..
slowly but surely,
my heart wanders
wondering how she is...
and suddenly she appears
on a silver chariot
seated with comfort and ease...
she stops right in front
i look toward her
and end my trepidation...
a feeling of relief
runs over me
like a tidal wave's transition...
the heart stops to beat
as i see wonders
beyond my perception...
tears start to flow
as she talks to me
with love and affection...
emotions flood me thro'
as she watches my face
raging out of control...
the next thing i savor
is the warmth of her embrace
and the bliss of my soul...
on a tour of heaven
we stop and listen,
to the chorus of angels...
the innocent voices
singing in tune
clear as crystals...
the perfect faces
and golden wings
i hear a thunder
and see a lightning
she turns to me
as i ask it's origin
"that's not thunder
that's not lightning..."
she smiles and says,
"...that is God speaking!"
i gasp as i realize
the words she utter
who do we think
created the wonders
the moon, the stars
the pigeons & flowers?
someday we will
realize his powers
when we end
our earthly sojourn
for a life forever...
then she leans across
and softly kisses me...
i sleep in her lap
as she watches over me...
it was the last scene
that took me into exile
as i drifted into sleep
thinking of her smile...
within the safety of my
i awake the next morning
the sun streaming,
birds singing
and bees buzzing
somewhere down the road
a neighbor was shouting
i cuddle under the covers
"just, don't want to stop dreaming..."
i recalled the events
of the night before,
serenade of the angels
still played a distant echo...
deep within my soul
it made me realize
how insignificant we are
in God's holy guise !
it's not for us
to ask God to reveal
but to live our lives
and to accept His will...
-gasper crasto
8th October, 2002